the team

Terri HoweOperations Manager
Terri is like a whirlwind force managing this crazy business. She had 7 years as field manager with Taylor Research and has been Chief ‘Everything’ Officer at Research Connections since 2012.

Debbie FreerProject Manager
With an enviable depth of industry experience, Debbie joined us with her cheery personality and no-fuss approach to getting the job done in 2020. She previously managed the Qualitative Recruitment arm at Your Source / Colmar Brunton for more than 20 years.

Kirsten ToddProject Manager
After managing her own coaching business for runners (yes, she’s a fitness fanatic!) Kirsten has finally made her way back to the MR industry with her sharp mind and winning smile. She draws on many years of high-level operational experience at both Ekas and Nielsen.

Martin Le GriceManaging Director
Keeping a watchful eye over all things business, Martin cut his teeth in brand management and advertising before moving into qual research in the 90s.

Formerly Telstra marketing & customer service, Pam is a stickler for detail and keeping the admin under control. She has worked with the core team since 2006.

ChrisRecruiter/Project Manager
After a couple of hours solid drum practice every morning, Chris is ready to take on the recruitment challenges this industry loves to throw at him. He has been working as a telephone interviewer/recruiter since 2008.

Kim is our trusty keeper of the purse strings, managing all of our accounts payable and receivable. She has quite a solid tennis forehand which could just as easily be transferred to the baseball bat if ever needed.

Norma is one of our most dynamic cold-callers exuding a sparkling warmth and confidence which allows her to engage on a level footing with all echelons of seniority in business and professional circles.

A core team member and star recruiter since we started up in 2012, P1 was formerly project manager with Colmar Brunton and started with this team in 2004.

From Commbank marketing and customer relations, Susie joined the team in 2006 and has a finely honed ability to source the most articulate participants.

From her earlier career as corporate accountant with Dalgety and P&O, Wendy has recently joined us as a level-headed recruiter who ‘gets’ what it takes to identify the best respondents.

Cold-calling is not for the faint-hearted and Di has been both dynamic and robust in her approach to those tasks which just need strength of character, seniority and perseverance.

Caroline joined us in 2015 and has a delightful phone presence influenced by her years of stage performance; when she’s not busy on the phone or writing surveys, she can be found tending her organic veggie patch.

Ex marketing and media research, then 2 years with Taylor Research, Fiona joined us in 2012 and brings a warm smile to every challenge.

After a long career as an international travel consultant and with a recent Bachelor of Social Sciences under her belt, Annette joined our team in 2020 and brings her engaging and thoughtful style to all recruitment briefs.